Frequently Asked Questions
Why did you create Refsy?
We noticed it was hard for qualified engineers and verified professionals to easily facilitate referrals. We are completely free to use and fully peer to peer. If you want to help, please spread the word and sign up as a referrer!
Referrer: How does this help me?
Refsy wants to help you find, compare and choose people you actually want to work with. We also present each candidate in a format that makes referring easy. The average referral bonus at our pilot companies is $5,453!
Is Refsy only for software engineers? Locations?
Yes, Refsy is targeting referrers and candidates in SWE from the Bay Area, Seattle and New York. We are quickly expanding into other cities and careers.
Candidate: How does this help me? Will I get referrals?
Yes, we have several verified referrers who are actively looking to refer candidates and add to their teams. Just a few of these referrers include SWE’s from top companies such as Airbnb, Facebook, Roblox, Google, ByteDance, and Amazon.
Candidate: How do I know when the referrer has referred me?
A referrer will only be able to refer you once you accept. Refsy will follow up with your current progress and confirm when you have been referred at the Referrer’s company.
Candidate: How do I get more referrals?
Please make sure to edit your profile and fully complete your bio. We have found that candidates with a personal touch were 40% more likely to be referred.
Is my identity safe on this site?
As a candidate, only your target companies will see your profile and we offer the option of keeping your profile anonymous. As a referrer, you have the option to keep your profile anonymous as well.
i.e. if you are interested in Airbnb, only verified Airbnb employees can see your profile
How do I give feedback?
Please visit the the contact us page or email us directly at